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Writer's pictureRegina Borgula

Advent & Christmas Countdown Calendar

Do it yourself! Your very own homemade countdown calendar. This calendar is recyclable, eco-friendly and easy to make! Here are the steps on how to make it and what you'll need.

You'll need:

-An unwrapped gift wrap tube

-White Paper/Paint

-String/ Yarn


- White or colorful tags (we got ours from Michaels)

- Markers

- (Optional) Stick-On Pearls

Step 1: Cover the Tube

This is your choice. You can either paint or wrap the tube in any way you want. We chose to wrap it in the plain white paper.

Step 2: Customize the Tags

Label the tags with numbers 1-25, and decorate as you wish.

We used the countdown stickers for inspiration as shown on the left. For our tags, we used Sharpie Paint pens, Crayola Fine-Tip markers, and a white Gelly- Roll Gel Pen for the white details, all of these can be found at Michaels.

Step 3: Strings

String the ends of the wrapped tube to create a loop that can be used to help hang the calendar. Next, string the ribbon coming down, the numbers will be hung on this ribbon.

Step 4: Put On the Tags

Double side the tape, put it on the back of each tag and place each tag on the ribbon.

Step 5: Day Marker

In order to know the date, or how many days left until Christmas, you will need some sort of place holder and marker. We chose to cut the inside of the circle-shaped tag and color it red. We attached a string to the hole and left a little piece of string left so it can be placed inside all the other tags and keep place. Be creative with this part, you can also use stickers or just simply take the tags off as each day progresses.

Step 6: Details!

Add pearls, handmade snowflakes and anything you please. We personally

chose things that go more under the white theme, because that is our theme

this year. Hang and have fun! We hope to see how you made this project.

Feel free to use our hashtag! #undercloudfactorycrafts

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year!

- Regina, Sophia, Eliza and Undercloud Factory

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