Have a bunch of old ties at home? Don't know what to do with them?
Make yourself a beautiful headband!

You will need:
- 3 old ties
- elastic band
- sewing needles & string
- scissors

Step 1: gather all materials.
The 3 ties we used:
Step 2: Gather the narrow ends of the ties. Pin them down.

Step 3: Begin to tightly braid the ties together.

Step 4: Sew together the ties where at the end you first started braiding from.
- Take out the pinhead.
- Take the string and wrap it around a couple of times so that the braid does not fall loose.

Step 5: On the end you just worked on, sew on elastic on the back. Doesn't have to be perfect, this part will be hidden.

Step 6: End your braid:
- tie together the end of the braid by tightly wrapping the braid with the string. Tie a strong knot. Cut the excess of the tie off, removing any inner padding. Nicely trim the ends and sew them together.

Step 7: Trim the elastic you were using on the other end, and sew onto the ends you just cut.
